“It seemed very important to Shea to genuinely connect with us before, during and after our experience with her. It didn’t feel like we were “just another client”, in fact it didn’t feel “business-y” at all. She really listened to our wishes for our sessions and delivered exactly what we were hoping for.”
Those hazy first days with baby…
There is nothing quite like the newborn season; every day is filled with hours of smelling your little newborn’s head, learning every inch of them and rarely sleeping.
Everything feels momentous and yet days go by in a blur of delirious joy and it’s easy to forget to stop and savour these fleeting moments.
Lifestyle Newborn photography is an incredible way to document and cherish these precious days.
Why choose lifestyle newborn photography?
Well, first of all, you get to stay in the comfort of your own home while still capturing all those brand-new-baby details and first moments of parenthood.
Lifestyle newborn sessions allow for a calm, relaxed and at ease session for the whole family. I focus on your connection with your new little baby, and document what life looks like right now for you. For some people that means having a shower, putting on some make up and having cuddles with baby on the bed… for others, that means naked skin to skin time, postpartum panties, and leaking breasts. I want to capture what’s important to you about these first days with that tiny new precious human of yours.
“To a parent, your child wasn’t just a person: your child was a place, a kind of Narnia, a
vast eternal place for the present you were living and the past you remembered and the
future you want all at once.”